Archivo de Arte Valenciano 2022

ISSN: 0211-5808

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Archivo de Arte Valenciano is a scientific journal founded in 1915 focused on Cultural Heritage published in paper and electronic formats and is issued annually by the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia. Its objective is to publish unpublished texts from research by scholars interested in the Fine Arts, in its broadest sense, to disseminate the heritage and enrich the scientific background in the various areas of the Academy. It is mainly addressed to the scientific and university community at a national and international level and to art professionals.



Archivo de Arte Valenciano publishes research papers grouped into four sections:

In Extenso deals with a specific historical or contemporary subject and may incorporate one or several papers on the same subject. This section is optional.
Reviews of books and other editions, which shall deal with the same subjects that have been published during the current year and have been admitted to the Institution. The Editorial Board will supervise book reviews.



Archivo de Arte Valenciano will acknowledge receipt of the originals sent by the authors.

According to the peer review and double-blind system, the journal is governed by a system of anonymous external evaluation of articles, in which two external reviewers will participate. In the event that a third party is needed, it will be called upon. The name of the external evaluators will be confidential and chosen by the journal’s Editorial Board.

In order to maintain the anonymity of the papers for blind peer review, the name(s) of the author(s) should not appear on the papers. For proper identification, the papers should be accompanied by a separate file containing the author’s name, place of work or profession and e-mail address. In addition, the same document shall state the knowledge and acceptance of the journal’s rules and the commitment that the article is unpublished and has not been simultaneously sent to other publications. It will also be stated that the relevant authorization has been granted for the reproduction of the images inserted in the text and that the publication entails the assignment of copyright in favour of the Academy for electronic reproduction.



Texts must be unpublished and not submitted for that purpose to any other media.

The papers submitted may be written in Spanish or Valencian languages, although the Editorial Board allows for exceptionally accepting papers in other languages.

The author may submit only one paper and participate in another as a co-author as long as he/she is not the first signatory of the latter. The maximum number of authors per article will be four.

The Editorial Board may reject an article without evaluation when it considers that it does not comply with the formal and content standards of the journal.



Once the articles that meet the formal and content standards have been selected, the Editorial Board will send the originals to the external evaluators, who will be renowned researchers and specialists in the field. Neither the articles’ authorship nor the external evaluators’ names will be known during the evaluation process. However, the journal may publish the work of external evaluators who have collaborated with it in previous years, provided they give their consent.

Finally, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to publish the paper based on external reports.

Authors will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of the paper.

Each published work will indicate the dates of receipt and approval of the same.



The paper should be submitted only by USB flash drive, CD, e-mail or WeTransfer, using the Word software. The papers should not exceed 20 pages without images (which should be numbered), with a maximum of 53,000 characters (including spaces). An abstract in Spanish and English must accompany the text. It will have an approximate length of ten lines each (abstracts with a significantly shorter length will not be accepted). Abstracts, which will precede the text, should provide information on the paper’s subject matter and include the necessary descriptors (up to five words separated by a slash). The literature references will be included in the total count of sheets/characters.

It is recommended that the title should not exceed 30 words, including empty words (articles, determiners, prepositions, …), and should clearly and directly reflect the content of the paper. No more than eight illustrations of optimum quality, precise and contrasted, shall be accepted and included in the text. An image caption, including information regarding the title or content of the image and the author or source of the photograph, shall accompany them. In addition to being inserted in the text, the images must be presented in a separate document to facilitate the layout work, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. and 15 cm. on each side.

In Extenso, chapter papers will be between 30 and 60 pages long, with a maximum of 160,000 characters (including spaces). The number of illustrations shall be limited to 18. The specifications for pagination, format, support, typographical standards for presenting the texts, resolution and technical characteristics of the images will be the same as for the rest of the papers.

Delivery of originals shall be made before May 15, 2023.



The texts shall use Times New Roman or Arial font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing, and for summaries or abstracts, the font size will be 10.5 and size 8 for footnotes. The parts of the text to be printed in italics should be written in such a way and include titles of works of art, titles of publications and words in languages other than the language of the text. The literature shall have a font size of 10 and shall be arranged alphabetically or chronologically at the end of the text according to the (ISO 690:1987/ 690-2) standard:

BUCHÓN, A. Mª. : Ignacio Vergara y la escultura de su tiempo en Valencia (Ignacio Vergara and the sculpture of his time in Valencia). Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, 2006, p. 18. LOZANO AGUILAR, A. (ed.): La memoria de los campos. El cine y los campos de concentración nazis (The memory of concentration camps. Cinema and the Nazi concentration camps). Valencia, Ediciones de la mirada, 1999.

In book chapters:
BONET SOLVES, V. E.: “El arte de pintar con la luz (The art of painting with light: An American in Paris” in ORTIZ VILLETA, Áurea (ed.):
Del cuadro al encuadre: la pintura en el cine (From picture to frame: painting in cinema). Valencia, MuVIM, 2007, pp. 53-67.

Magazine articles:
CAMÓN AZNAR, J.: “Dibujos de Goya del Museo Lázaro Galdiano” (Drawings by Goya from the Museo Lázaro Galdiano)” in Goya, 1 (1954) 9-14.

In papers and communications:
YARZA LUACES, Joaquín: “Clients, Promoters and Patrons in Hispanic Medieval Art,” in Patrons, Promoters, Mecenas y Clientes (Patrons and Customers) (Actas del VII Congreso Español de Historia del Arte).(Patrons and Customers. Proceedings of the VII Spanish Congress of Art History).
Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 1988, pp. 15-47.

Exhibition catalogues:
SURNAME, Name of director (dir.) or coordinator (coord.) or curator (cur.) or first signatory et al. Title of the publication. (Held at the place and on the date of realization). Place of publication: Publisher or Institution, YEAR.

BÉRCHEZ GÓMEZ, Joaquín (com.). Manuel Tolsá: desde la mirada fotográfica de Joaquín Bérchez. (Manuel Tolsá: from the photographic gaze of Joaquín Bérchez. (Exhibition held in Valencia, MuVIM, from January to April 2022). Valencia: MuVIM, 2022.

Audiovisual Sources:
CLOUZOT, Henry-Georges:: The Picasso Mystery (Le Mystère Picasso). France, 35 mm, 60 minutes, 1956. CROSLAND, Alan (director); HOLLINGSHEAD Gordon (assistant director); WARNER, Jack (producer); RAPHAELSON Samson; COHN Alfred A. (scriptwriters); SILVERS
Louis (music); MOHR Hal (photography); JOLSON, Al; MCAVOY, May; OLAND, Warner (leads): The Jazz Singer, USA, Warner Bross, 1927.

Scores/Sheet Music:
CLIMENT, José: Vicente Rodriguez Monllor (1690-1760). Sonatas. Valencia, Institución Alfonso “El Magnánimo” of the Diputación de Valencia, 1977.
REGGER, Max (Foreword by BEYER, Franz): Drei suiten viola solo op. 131 d. Munich, Urtext, 1991.

The essential information is the URL or web address, the author, if the document is signed, the document’s title, and the query’s date and time.
MURIS, Johannes de: Libellus cantus mensurabili, Bloomington, Indiana University – Thesaurus musicarum latina-rum, MURLIBF_MFAB1119. html, (last accessed January 20, 2013 at 19:35).

Depending on the type of music, choose the most appropriate method that provides the most information to the reader: author, ensemble, director, soloists, other performers, title, record company, place, publisher, registration number and year.

CAGE, John (author); BERMAN, Boris (piano): Music for prepared piano vol.2, Ontario, Naxos, CD, 8554562, 2001. MISÓN, Luis; ROSALES Antonio; ESTEVE Pablo; DE LASERNA Blas; DEL MORAL, Pablo (authors); Ensemble Elyma; GARRIDO, Gabriel (conductor); LAVILLA, Cecilia (soprano); PITARCH, Olga (soprano); PARRON, Salvador (tenor): El maestro de baile y otras tonadillas, France, Harmonia Mundi, CD, K 617151, 2003.
VIVES RAMIRO, José Mª (author of the reconstruction); Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana, Collegium Instrumentale, PERALES, Francesc (conductor): Alacant sacro-musical. La Llum de les Imatges. La Faç de l’Eternitat 2006, CD 1 Salm 50 “Miserere”, Miquel CREVEA i CORTES, Valencia, Tabalet Estudis – Generalitat Valen-ciana, 989 CD 1, 2006.

Archive documents:
Year, month in letter and day. City.
Archive: section, folder, file, file number.

1844, May 8. Valencia
Report of the Royal Academy on temples and buildings that belonged to the disentailed Valencian religious communities.
Archivo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos, de Valencia (ARASC), Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos de Valencia.” Years 1837-1872, Leg. 141-1/44.



The images illustrating the articles submitted to the journal for publication shall comply with the following characteristics:

  • Images may not be sent embedded in Word, PowerPoint or Excel documents, but as independent files, with their corresponding numbering.
  • The images to be sent in digital format must be in tiff or jpg format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • They may be submitted in colour or black and white at the author’s discretion.



The Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos will communicate to the author the receipt of the original and the decision by consensus of the Editorial Board on the works received, either acceptance -conditioned to possible suggestions- or the return of the works sent.

A condition for publication is that the author(s) expressly assign(s) in writing to the Royal Academy, on an exclusive basis, the rights of reproduction of their work.

If the Royal Academy were to receive a large number of articles and these were to be favourably evaluated

The Institution may publish the papers the following year after a proposal to the authors has been made.

Submission of papers entails implicit acceptance of all the above provisions.

In case of possible discrepancies in the interpretation of these regulations, the “Guide of good practices for Periodical and unitary publications of the State Agency of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)” shall be adopted”.


Address correspondence to:
Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos
Publishing Service (AAV.)
C/. San Pío V, nº 9 – 46010 Valencia (Spain)


Open Access Policy

Archivo de Arte Valenciano offers free access to all the contents of the electronic edition. It can be consulted on the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos website, and is included in the following indexes, databases and repositories: SCOPUS (Elsevier BV, NL). Bibliography of the His-tory of Art (Getty Research Institute-INIST-CNRS, Ovid, USA); CIRC; DIALNET; DICE; FRANCIS (CNRS-INIST, FR); IBA (International Bibliography of Art); ISOC-Arte (CSIC, SPA); Latindex; MIAR; REBIUN; Regesta Imperi; Riu-Net (Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politècnica de València); RODERIC (Repositori d’Objectes Digitals per a l’Ensenyament la Recerca i la Cultura).
The publication is free of charge for the authors.


Archivo de Arte Valenciano maintains exchanges with other national and international centres and institutions.

Should you wish to establish an exchange, you can do it through the following:


Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos
Archive -Library

C/ San Pío V, nº 9 46010, Valencia, Spain
Phone: 963690338




Manuel Muñoz Ibáñez, Doctor in Medicine (University of Valencia) and in Philosophy, director of the Journal.
Álvaro Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Doctor of Architecture (Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Ma- drid) and honorary member of ICOMOS.
Felipe V. Garín Llombart, Professor of Art History (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia).
Pilar Roig Picazo, Professor of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets (Polytechnic University of Valencia)
Francisco Taberner Pastor, Doctor of Architecture (Polytechnic University of Valencia). Joaquín Bérchez Gómez, Professor of Art History (University of Valencia).
José María Vives Ramiro, Doctor of Philosophy and Letters (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). Professor of Musicology.
Arturo Zaragozá Catalán, Doctor of Architecture, member of ICOMOS and of the Academy of Partal
Alberto Peñín Ibáñez, Doctor of Architecture (Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid).
Francisco Javier Delicado Martínez, Doctor in Art History (University of Valencia), coordinator of the Journal.